HTTP Requests

Every request is handled and tracked by a HTTP Request record.

HTTP Request records are created every time an HTTP Request is generated for sending to or receiving from an external system. They contain all the low-level data about the individual request; the headers, the payload, the URL, timings, etc.

These records are extremely useful for developing and debugging integrations because of the immediate availability and contextual relevance to the integration you are developing. You will often find that it is easier to debug an integration from within Unifi than it is from any external system.

State Control

The Request will be inserted in a ‘Ready’ state. Unifi will then asynchronously pick it up and process it. The following table defines the state field value choices:


(After a failure the HTTP Request is created straight away, but remains in a ‘Pending’ state until the timer has finished.)


Inbound HTTP Requests are currently processed synchronously and therefore will only ever be ‘OK’ or ‘Error’.

HTTP Request Fields

The following table gives a description of the fields that are visible on the HTTP Request record:

Request Fields

The following table gives a description of the Request fields that are visible on the HTTP Request record:

Response Fields

It is often far quicker and easier to tell what has been sent from the integrated system by looking at the values in the Response fields in Unifi than it is to get the same information from the system that has sent it.

The following table gives a description of the Response fields that are visible on the HTTP Request record:


Unifi logs can be viewed by navigating to the 'Unifi Activity Logs' related list.

Activity Logs

The logs that relate to the HTTP Request are as follows:


An inbound request has been received and generated an inbound HTTP Request.

Request sending

Here Unifi is processing the outbound HTTP Request and sending it to the integrated system.

The logs that can be viewed from the HTTP Request record relate to the HTTP Request only.

Replay Request

You can click the Replay Request button on the HTTP Request record to replay that request.

This will be used when testing/debugging. For example, if the Request errors you may want to edit the payload & then replay the Request to check if the error clears.