Identity Consumer Instance

These are the configuration changes to be made in the identity consumer instance when setting up an OAuth Connection.

Create Application Registry

In native ServiceNow, navigate to System OAuth > Application Registry and click New.

On the interceptor page, click Connect to a third party OAuth Provider.

The fields to be configured for the Application Registry record are as follows:

*This value is to be left as-is.

Token URL: Replace the <your-provider-instance> element of the URL with that of the Identity Provider Instance.

Your Application Registries New Record should look like this:

Right-click and Save to remain on the record.

Validate that the OAuth Entity Profiles related list has been populated with the following values:

Name: <Your Unique Name> default_profile

Is default: true

Grant type: Resource Owner Password Credentials

This is the profile which will be selected when configuring the Connection.

Configure Connection

In Unifi Integration Designer, navigate to Connections and click New.

We are going to configure a Connection for the Pre-Production environment because we have already configured connections for both the Development and Test environments. Choose whichever environment is appropriate for your requirements.

The fields to be configured for the New Connection modal are as follows:

Outbound Connectivity

The format of the Endpoint URL is as follows:


The entire Endpoint URL can be easily obtained from the automatically created Message Resource on the Unifi Scripted REST API (displayed in the widget at the top of the Connections page in the other instance).

Your New Connection modal should look like this:

Submit and view to further configure the Connection.

Connection Details

The fields to be configured for the Details form are as follows:

Your Details form should look like this:

Save the Connection.

Get OAuth Token

Once you have saved the Connection, the 'Get OAuth Token' button is available.

Click Get OAuth Token.

On the modal that pops up, enter the Username & Password (for the Inbound user of the Identity Provider Instance).

Click Get OAuth Token.

The 'OAuth token flow completed successfully' info message is displayed. Close the modal.

Congratulations. You have successfully configured both halves of the OAuth Connection.

To future proof your OAuth connection, please consider setting up the OAuth Refresh Token Job.