Extracting Attachments


Attachments can be extracted from payloads and saved before the payload is saved. This is highly recommended as it saves from storing the attachment itself in the payload on the HTTP Request record.

Attachment data should be extracted, saved as an attachment, and replaced with the attachment sys_id in the format <x-attachment-data sys_id="...">. Unifi will automatically collect the attachment ids, create Bonded Attachments for each of them, and finally move the attachments to the target record.

We strongly recommend streaming attachments when possible. Attachments can be streamed into Unifi which bypasses the need for extraction, supports binary file sharing, and also allows for sizes up to 50MB (providing your instance and integration configuration supports this).

This is available for all new integrations from Unifi 3.0.

For more information on configuring inbound streaming, please see our How to Handle Attachments guide.


XML Example

<!-- Example attachments payload structure -->
<eb:Attachments xmlns:eb="https://sharelogic.com/unifi">
      <eb:FileName>Hello world.txt</eb:FileName>

JSON Example

  "attachment": {
     "FileName": "Hello world.txt",
     "MimeCode": "text/plain",
     "Data": "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQudHh0"