Unifi 2.2 Release Notes

Here you will find details of what's changed in this release, including new features & improvements, deprecated features and general fixes.


Welcome to the release notes for Unifi - Version 2.2. Please have a read through to see new features and fixes that have been added.

Upgrade Notice

Feedback and Reviews

We really appreciate feedback on what we’re doing - whether it’s right or wrong! We take feedback very seriously, so if you feel you’d give us anything less than a 5 star rating, we’d love to hear from you so we can find out what we need to do to improve!

If you would rate us 5 stars, and haven’t left a review on the ServiceNow Store yet, we’d be grateful if you would head over there to leave us your feedback. It only takes a few minutes and really does help us a lot. Go on, you know you want to leave a 5-star review on the Store!


Paris Support

We’ve tested and verified that Unifi continues to work as expected on the latest Paris release of ServiceNow.


We’ve introduced a brand new feature that makes exporting and migrating integrations seriously easy, 1-click easy in fact. You can now click the “Package” button on an integration in the Portal and the system will gather all the related files that make that integration work and put them in a brand new update set and download it to your desktop. This feature does require the latest version of the Unifi Global Utility.


New Features & Improvements

  • An API name is automatically generated when creating a new Process. [UN-192]

  • Integration Diagnostic now checks for global utility installation and version. [UN-369]

  • Millisecond time fields have been added to transactional records. [UN-541]

  • Integration Diagnostic now checks for hotfix version. [UN-682]

  • Activity Log will show “No logs.” if no logs are generated. [UN-768]

  • Errors are no longer duplicated in Activity Log to make it easier to debug. [UN-769]

  • Improved documentation interface in UID. [UN-772]


  • The display value for Connections now includes the Integration. [UN-347]

  • Bond reference method is no longer available for Response and Receipt type Messages. [UN-603]

  • Integration no longer controls number of attachments per message as this is done by the message itself. [UN-651]

General Fixes

  • Added the connection variable page to Portal. [UN-656]

  • Copying a Connection Variable now works. [UN-657]

  • Fixed icon alignment on Messages list in UID. [UN-755]

  • Fixed typo with Event Action. [UN-659]

  • Message Scripts now only throw their own errors (e.g. with Fields). [UN-749]

  • Improved spacing with UID Dashboard grid items. [UN-770]

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