CreateIncidentInbound Message

We will configure an inbound create message to process the data returned from the poll and create a new target record.

New Message Modal

Click the 'Messages' icon, then New.

The fields to be configured for the CreateIncidentInbound New Message modal are as follows:

Your CreateIncidentInbound New Message modal should look like this:

Click Submit and view to further configure the Message.

Response Fields

Navigate to Message > Response.

The Response fields to be configured are as follows:

*This field is automatically defaulted to true.

Your Response form should look like this:

Navigate to Message > Bond.

Bond Fields

The Bond fields to be configured are as follows:

*These fields are automatically populated.

*Set bond state choices: None, Pending, Open, Suspended, Vendor suspended, Closed

Your Bond form should look like this:

Navigate to Inbound > Settings.

Inbound Settings Fields

The Inbound Settings fields to be configured are as follows:

*Bond reference method (defaulted to 'External' & not editable for Create type Messages):

Internal - lookup using the internal reference only.

External - lookup using the external reference only.

Both - lookup using both the internal and external references.

Bond reference method: The perspective of the available choices is in relation to the receiving instance i.e. Internal (internal reference) means the bonded ticket in our instance and External (external reference) means the bonded ticket in their instance. These settings define which values to lookup against to search for and validate whether or not a bond already exists.

In the case of a create type message (as per our requirement), it is defaulted to 'External' because there is not yet a bonded ticket in the receiving instance to reference (if we were to receive a create type message which referenced a bond that already existed it would be rejected because we don't want to create another bond for a record we've already seen ).

The code in the 'Reference lookup script' field should look like this:

var answer = {};

answer.getExternalMessageID = function (payload, request) {
  return '' + (payload.message.source_id || '');

answer.getInternalMessageID = function (payload, request) {
  return '' + (payload.message.target_id || '');

Reference lookup script: It’s important to identify which message an asynchronous receipt is replying to. This script extracts the transaction’s unique identifier.

In the case of an inbound create/update (as per our requirement) it would return their external message id (source id) to identify which transaction our asynchronous receipt belongs to. (In the case of an inbound asynchronous receipt it would return our internal message id (target id) to identify which transaction their asynchronous receipt belongs to.)

Your Inbound Settings form should look like this:

Click Save.

We are now ready to configure the Fields for our CreateIncidentInbound Message.

Last updated