Embedded Attachments


Attachments in ServiceNow are normally attached to the records they belong to, making it easy to identify and share those attachments over an integration. Embedded attachments require a bit more effort to integrate since they can belong to other records, or in some cases, no record at all. They are typically found inside journal fields.

Use Case

The use case being looked at in this example is embedding attachments in the Additional Comments field using HTML inside [code] tags so lengthy comments such as operational checks can be shared with third parties directly from the instance.

To recreate this scenario:

  1. Open a record with a journal field, i.e. an Incident.

  2. From the More options selector, choose Email. The Compose Email window will open.

  3. Copy/paste or drag an image into the email composer. (In Windows, you can use Windows Key + Shift + S to take a screenshot and then Ctrl + V to paste it into the formatter).

  4. Click the Source code button to view the HTML source code.

  5. Select all the source code (Ctrl + A) and copy it (Ctrl + C).

  6. Back in your Incident, go to a journal field, e.g. Additional Comments and paste in the HTML.

  7. Wrap the comment in [code]...[/code] tags to tell ServiceNow to treat this comment as code.

  8. If the record and field is integrated, the field will be shared over the integration, but the other system will not have the attachment so the image will not show.

Automatic Embedding

We can allow the integration to share embedded attachments with some modification to the outbound mapping scripts.

In this example, we are sharing a journal field so will modify the Field Map for Journal fields. We want the attachment data to be automatically embedded as base64 instead of sending the sys_attachment reference.

1. Open the Field Map

Open Integration Designer and navigate to the Field Map you want to modify. Find the Source to Stage mapping script in theOutbound panel.

2. Embed Image Attachments Function

Copy the function below into your Source to Stage mapping script. This function accepts some text and updates all<img> tags that reference the sys_attachment table.

function embedImageAttachments(text, options) {

  function getAttachment(attachment_id) {
    var attachment = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
    return attachment.get(attachment_id) ? attachment : null;

  function humanFileSize(size) {
    var i = size == 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024));
    return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][i];

  function findImages(text) {
    var match_img = /<img\s+\w+=(\\?["'])[\s\S]+?\1\s*\/?>/;
    var tags = [];
    var start, end, match;
    while ((start = text.indexOf('<img')) > -1) {
      text = text.slice(start);
      match = text.match(match_img);
      if (!match) continue;
      end = match[0].length;
        start: start,
        end: start + end,
        tag: text.slice(0, end + 1)
      text = text.slice(end + 1);
    return tags;

  function embedImages(text) {
    var match_src = /src=\\?(["'])(\/?sys_attachment\.do\?(?:[\s\S]+&)*sys_id=([a-f0-9]{32})(?:&.+)*)\1/gm;
    var images = findImages(text);
    var output = '';
    var position = 0;
    if (!images.length) {
      return text;
    images.forEach(function (image) {
      output += text.slice(position, image.start);
      output += image.tag.replace(match_src, replaceImageSrc);
      position = image.end + 1;
    output += text.slice(position);
    return output;

  function _log(text) {
    return text;

  function replaceImageSrc(match, quote, src, attachment_id) {
    var attachment = getAttachment(attachment_id);
    var result = '';
    var data_uri;

    if (!attachment) {
      _log.warn(_log('Cannot embed image attachment ' + attachment_id + '; invalid attachment.'));
      return match;

    _log('Embedding image attachment ' + attachment_id + '.');

    data_uri = 'data:' + attachment.content_type + ';base64,';
    $stage.$payload_size = $stage.$payload_size - src.length + data_uri.length + (attachment.size_bytes * 4/3);

    if ($stage.$payload_size > $stage.$payload_size_max) {
      error = 'Unable to embed image attachments; combined file size is too large to send ' +
            '(' + 
              humanFileSize($stage.$payload_size) + ' > ' +
              humanFileSize($stage.$payload_size_max) +
      throw new Error(_log(error));

    // this tag will be automatically replaced with base64 during send
    data_uri += '<x-attachment-data sys_id="' + attachment_id + '" />';

    result += match.replace(src, data_uri);

    // ensure file name is included
    if (match.indexOf('name=' + quote) == -1) {
      result += ' name=' + quote + attachment.file_name + quote;
    return result;

  // ensure objects are strings (e.g. GlideElement objects)
  text = String(text);

  // allow space for the actual message outside of the text with embedded attachments
  var payload_size_no_attachments = 5 * 1024;

  // track embedded attachment size as part of the full payload
  $stage.$payload_size = ($stage.$payload_size || payload_size_no_attachments) + text.length;

  // scoped string limit is 5MB
  $stage.$payload_size_max = $stage.$payload_size_max || (5 * 1024 * 1024);

  // make it easy to debug                                          
  $stage.$embedded_attachment_logs = $stage.$embedded_attachment_logs || [];       

  return embedImages(text);

3. Modify Journal Entries

The final step is to update the same Field Map to use the new embedImageAttachments() function that you've just added.

Add the code to the bottom of the same Source to Stage mapping script and modify as required.

This code is designed for the out of box Journal field map.

$stage.$[field.element].forEach(function (log) {
    log.text = embedImageAttachments(log.text);

4. Build

Build your integration to push the Field Map changes to all the messages. You can now test.

Known Limitations

File size

Embedding attachments in this way will mean the maximum string length imposed by ServiceNow of 5mb will be easy to reach. Since base64 is a 4/3 compression, you have a realistic limit of around 3mb of images which can be transferred this way in any single request.

Instance security

This approach is not considered secure since it is possible for malicious Javascript to be rendered in the [code] tags.

The glide.ui.security.allow_codetag system property is responsible for rendering [code] tags. This is typically disabled as part of Instance Security Hardening.

If the property is disabled then [code] tags will not be rendered. Both systems must have this property enabled for this solution to work.

Alternative Approaches

Some alternative approaches to embedding attachments in this way are:

  1. Create a document containing the images and upload it as an attachment on the record. If you are streaming attachments, you will be able to share a file up to 50mb in size.

  2. Upload the images separately as attachments and reference them in your comments. If you are streaming attachments, each image could be up to 50mb in size.

Last updated

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