CreateIncident Fields

We will utilise the Field & Field Map records to configure the Message Scripts for the CreateIncident Message.

Fields & Field Maps

Depending on your requirements, you will need to create Field records for each of the relevant Incident record field elements (see the table below for an example). For the sake of brevity, this Guide will focus on a select few. If you wish, however, you are free to continue & configure the remaining Field records. The table below lists an example of the Incident record field elements you may wish to map and the relevant Field Maps required to configure each Field record. For a fuller definition of available Field Maps, please see the relevant page in our technical documentation.

Incident Field

Field Map



















The Field records we will focus on will be for Caller (String), Short description (String) and State (Choice).

Copy Field Maps

If you haven't already, you will need to copy the relevant additional Field Maps for the CreateIncident Field records as follows:

  • String

  • Choice

See Copy Field Maps (on the 'CreateIncidentResponse Fields' page) for details.

Field: incident.caller_id

In Unifi Integration Designer, from the CreateIncident page, navigate to Message > Fields. Click New.

The fields to be configured for the 'incident.caller_id' New Field modal are as follows:







The Message this Field record is linked with.




Describe what this field is for and any specific details that might help you in future.

'The caller on this incident'



Set to true to use this Field record for processing.



Field map

The Field Map this Field record is linked with.

'IS - String'**


Map to field

Use this Field record to represent a field on a source/target table.




The primary source/target table that this Field record is mapped to.

'Incident '[incident]



The field on the source/target table this Field record is mapped to.




The property in the payload the data will be written to.

Automatically populated



Set to true to use for inbound Messages.




Set to true to use for outbound Messages.


*These fields are automatically defaulted to true, or automatically populated.

**Field map: Value may vary. Choose the copy Field Map you created for your Integration.

Your 'incident.caller_id' New Field modal should look like this:

5) Submit the record.

You will be redirected back to the Fields page of the CreateIncident Message.

Field: incident.short_description

Because the incident.short_description Field record is the same 'type' (IS - String) & the majority of the settings are the same as the previously configured Field, it will be quicker to copy the incident.caller_id Field & make a few minor changes.

Feature Alert: The 'result.sys_id' Field is visible and inactive. It is an integration level Field which was automatically created by Unifi at the time we created the Message level record (in CreateIncidentResponse Fields). We'll talk in more detail about this feature in the following section.

6) Click the ellipsis next to the incident.caller_id Field record & click Copy.

The fields to edit for the Copy Field modal are as follows:







The field on the source/target table this Field record is mapped to.

'Short description'



The property in the payload the data will be written to.

Automatically populated



Describe what this field is for and any specific details that might help you in future.

'The short description of this incident'

Your Copy Field modal should look like this:

9) Click Copy.

You will be redirected to the Details page of the newly created incident.short_description Field record.

Field: incident.state

Field records can exist at both the Integration and the Message level (a Field record exists at the Integration level if it isn't linked to a Message i.e. the 'Message' field element is left blank). We noted previously that an Integration level Field record is automatically created when we create one at the Message level. We will utilise and configure both when mapping 'incident.state'.

The 'incident.state' Field record is a Choice 'type' Field. These are used when you’re mapping choice field elements with static values that don't change per Message (e.g. State, Impact, Urgency) i.e. you're not going to have one set of choices/values for create and another for update.

Rather than configure choices for each Message, configure choices once at the Integration level. This means we only need define them once. The Field Map will take care of it and any 'incident.state' Field records that are set at the Message level (i.e. with a value in the 'Message' field) would use the choices configured at the Integration level.

We'll first configure the Message level Field and then move on to configure the choices on its Integration level counterpart.

Field: incident.state (Message level)

To quickly navigate to the CreateIncident Message from the Details page of the newly created incident.short_description Field record... the 'Preview' icon to the left of the Message field.

From the CreatIncident Message, navigate to Message > Fields. Click New.

The fields to be configured for our 'incident.state' (Message level) New Field modal are as follows:







The Message this Field record is linked with.




Describe what this field is for and any specific details that might help you in future.

'The incident lifecycle state'



Set to true to use this Field record for processing.



Field map

The Field Map this Field record is linked with.

'IS Choice'**


Map to field

Use this Field record to represent a field on a source/target table.




The primary source/target table that this Field record is mapped to.

'Incident' [incident]



The field on the source/target table this Field record is mapped to.




The property in the payload the data will be written to.

Automatically populated



Set to true to use for inbound Messages.




Set to true to use for outbound Messages.


*These fields are automatically defaulted to true, or automatically populated.

**Field map: Value may vary. Choose the copy Field Map you created for your Integration.

Your 'incident.state' (Message level) New Field modal should look like this:

14) Submit the record.

You will be redirected back to the Fields page of the CreateIncident Message.

Field: incident.state (Integration level)

Navigate to the 'Fields' icon to open the Fields page.

15) Click to open the incident.state (Integration level) Field record (the one where Message is empty).

The incident.state Field record opens to the Details page.

16) Navigate to Field > Field Choices.

17) Click Generate field choices.

18) Click Generate on the 'Generate field choices' modal which displays.

The Field Choices are generated & now visible in the list.

At this stage, you could carry on and configure the remaining Field records for the rest of the Incident fields (as per the table at the top of this section). However, we will now run the Build process to auto-generate our Message Scripts.


Now that we’ve configured the Field records for the CreateIncident message, we are ready to build our message scripts.

From the CreateIncident Message, navigate to Message > Fields.

The following Field records should now be in place for your CreateIncident messsage:

19) Click on Build Message.

You will see the 'Message build successful' Info Message.

20) Navigate to Advanced > Script Editor to view the auto-generated code.

Your Script Editor fields should look like this:

Message Scripts

//===== [ws] Begin Unifi Auto Generated Code =====//

 * This code (between the Begin and End comments) is generated from the
 * Field and Field mapping records which are configured as part of the integration.
 * All code either above or below the comments will be automatically maintained
 * through the build cycle.
 * WARNING: Do not edit the Begin or End comments.

(New auto-generated code will appear here)

//===== [ws] End Unifi Auto Generated Code =====//

(Old pre-existing code will appear here)

We will now examine our new, auto-generated Message Scripts.

Source to Stage:

//===== [ws] Begin Unifi Auto Generated Code =====//

 * This code (between the Begin and End comments) is generated from the
 * Field and Field mapping records which are configured as part of the integration.
 * All code either above or below the comments will be automatically maintained
 * through the build cycle.
 * WARNING: Do not edit the Begin or End comments.

x_snd_eb.ws_console.execute("Mapping incident.caller_id []", function () {
  log.debug("Field map: IS - String []");

  var default_value = (function () {
    return '';

  // Determines whether this instance of the field map is for a mandatory field
  var is_mandatory = false;

  if (is_mandatory) {
    $stage.caller_id = '' + (source.caller_id || default_value);
  } else if (source.caller_id != '') {
    $stage.caller_id = '' + source.caller_id;


x_snd_eb.ws_console.execute("Mapping incident.short_description []", function () {
  log.debug("Field map: IS - String []");

  var default_value = (function () {
    return '';

  // Determines whether this instance of the field map is for a mandatory field
  var is_mandatory = false;

  if (is_mandatory) {
    $stage.short_description = '' + (source.short_description || default_value);
  } else if (source.short_description != '') {
    $stage.short_description = '' + source.short_description;


x_snd_eb.ws_console.execute("Mapping incident.state []", function () {
  log.debug("Field map: IS - Choice []");

  var default_value = (function () {
    return '';

  var field_choice;
  var is_mandatory = false;  

  if (!source.state.nil()) {
    field_choice = new GlideRecord('x_snd_eb_field_choice');
    field_choice.addQuery('table',         '=', 'incident');
    field_choice.addQuery('element',       '=', 'state');
    field_choice.addQuery('integration',   '=', '642bd074dbb9585094dbd7795e9619a7');
    field_choice.addQuery('field.message', '=', '');
    field_choice.addQuery('direction',     '=', 'Outbound');
    field_choice.addQuery('value',         '=', source.state);
    field_choice.addQuery('active',        '=', 'true');

    if ( {
      $stage.state = '' + field_choice.external_value;

  if (!$stage.state) {
    $stage.state = '' + (source.state || '');

  if (is_mandatory) {
    $stage.state = '' + (source.state || '');


if (x_snd_eb.ws_console.has_error) {
  var errors = x_snd_eb.ws_console.get({type: 'error'});
  if (errors.length) {
    throw errors[0];

//===== [ws] End Unifi Auto Generated Code =====//

Stage to Request:

//===== [ws] Begin Unifi Auto Generated Code =====//

 * This code (between the Begin and End comments) is generated from the
 * Field and Field mapping records which are configured as part of the integration.
 * All code either above or below the comments will be automatically maintained
 * through the build cycle.
 * WARNING: Do not edit the Begin or End comments.

x_snd_eb.ws_console.execute("Mapping incident.caller_id []", function () {
  log.debug("Field map: IS - String []");
  payload = payload || {};
  var $payload = payload;

  // Determines whether this instance of the field map is for a mandatory field
  var is_mandatory = false;

  if (is_mandatory) {
    $payload.caller_id = '' + $stage.caller_id;
  } else if ($stage.caller_id) {
    $payload.caller_id = '' + $stage.caller_id;


x_snd_eb.ws_console.execute("Mapping incident.short_description []", function () {
  log.debug("Field map: IS - String []");
  payload = payload || {};
  var $payload = payload;

  // Determines whether this instance of the field map is for a mandatory field
  var is_mandatory = false;

  if (is_mandatory) {
    $payload.short_description = '' + $stage.short_description;
  } else if ($stage.short_description) {
    $payload.short_description = '' + $stage.short_description;


x_snd_eb.ws_console.execute("Mapping incident.state []", function () {
  log.debug("Field map: IS - Choice []");
  payload = payload || {};
  var $payload = payload;

  var is_mandatory = false;  

  if (is_mandatory) {
    $payload.state = $stage.state;
  } else if ($stage.state) {
    $payload.state = $stage.state;


if (x_snd_eb.ws_console.has_error) {
  var errors = x_snd_eb.ws_console.get({type: 'error'});
  if (errors.length) {
    throw errors[0];

//===== [ws] End Unifi Auto Generated Code =====//

We are now ready to Test our CreateIncident Message.

Last updated

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