
This is what defines the connection between a Process and the single system it's connecting with. It is also where most of the configuration and settings are stored.

New Integration

In the Unifi Integration Designer window, after clicking either on the '+' tile or 'New Integration', you are given a 'New Integration' modal to complete.

The fields to be configured for the New Integration modal are as follows:







The name of the integration.

<Your Name>


Service type

The type of web service this integration is using (SOAP/REST).



Message format

Automatically pre-process incoming messages for simpler message scripting. (Choices: XML, JSON, Advanced)


Your 'New Integration' modal should look like this:

4) Click Create.

You will be redirected to the Details page of the newly created Integration.


Before continuing we would like to draw your attention to some of the relevant icons that are now visible down the left hand navigation strip.

The icons are:

a) 'Integration' icon: Opens the current integration's Details page.

b) 'Messages' icon: Opens the current integration's Messages page.

c) 'Fields' icon: Opens the current integration's Fields page.

d) 'Field Maps' icon: Opens the current integration's Field Maps page.

e) 'Documentation' icon: Opens the automatically generated documentation for the current integration. (Another awesome feature in Unifi.)

f) 'Connections' icon: Opens the current integration's Connections page.


The Details page of your Integration form should look like this:

5) Navigate to Settings > Feedback.

Feedback Settings Fields

The Feedback fields to be configured for the Integration record are as follows:






Enable UI messages

Allow information and error messages to be shown to the user as UI Notifications. Only applies to certain notifications.



Note bond history

Use the 'Note bond history' to process bond history updates. (Set to true for the history to be promoted to the work notes fields of the record we're integrating - for the analyst to view)


The Feedback Settings fields should look like this:

All of the remaining 'Settings' values are to be left as-is:

  • Attachments Settings

  • Bond Settings

All of the 'Error handling' values are to be left as-is:

  • General

  • Timeouts

  • Retry

The remaining 'Integration' values are to be left as-is:

  • Message Identification

8) Click Save.

9) Click the 'Connections' icon to move on and configure the Connection.

Last updated