CreateIncident Message

The CreateIncident Message will create a ticket on the target table of the integrated system.

As previous, after clicking the 'Messages' icon, you will see the following screen (note: both the previously configured messages are now visible in the list):

1) Click New.

New Message Modal

The fields to be configured for the CreateIncident New Message modal are as follows:

Your CreateIncident New Message modal should look like this:

5) Submit and view to further configure the Message.

Response Fields

Navigate to Message > Response.

The Response fields to be configured are as follows:

*This field is automatically defaulted to true.

Your Response form should look like this:

8) Navigate to Message > Bond.

Bond Fields

The Bond fields to be configured are as follows:

*These fields are automatically populated.

Your Bond form should look like this:

11) Navigate to Outbound > Trigger.

Outbound Trigger Fields

The Outbound Trigger fields to be configured (as required)* are as follows:

*Outbound condition (as required):

It is not necessary for you to enter a condition. The value given is an example. You may create any condition (or not) to align with your business process requirements.

The code in the 'Outbound condition' script field should look like this:

current.assignment_group && String(current.assignment_group.u_unifi_integrations).indexOf(message.integration) != -1

This is an example of data-driving the trigger condition. This script checks whether the integration that this message belongs to is listed in a custom field on the assignment group which references the integration.

Your Outbound Trigger form should look like this:

13) Navigate to Outbound > Settings.

Outbound Settings Fields

The Outbound Settings fields to be configured are as follows:

Your Outbound Settings form should look like this:

15) Navigate to Inbound > Settings.

Inbound Settings Fields

The Inbound Settings fields to be configured are as follows:

*This field is automatically populated & not editable.

Bond reference method:

Internal - lookup using the internal reference only.

External - lookup using the external reference only.

Both - lookup using both the internal and external references.

Bond reference method: The perspective of the available choices is in relation to the receiving instance i.e. Internal (internal reference) means the bonded ticket in our instance and External (external reference) means the bonded ticket in their instance.

Primarily used in relation to create and update type messages, these settings define which values to lookup against to search for and validate whether or not a bond already exists.

In the case of a create type message, we use 'External' because there is not yet a bonded ticket in the receiving instance to reference (if we were to receive a create type message which referenced a bond that already existed it would be rejected because we don't want to create another bond for a record we've already seen ).

In the case of an update type message, we use 'Both' because it's a more accurate method of validating updates are being sent to/received from the correct bonded records.

The code in the 'Reference lookup script' field should look like this:

var answer = {};

answer.getExternalMessageID = function (payload, request) {
  return '' + (payload.message.source_id || '');

answer.getInternalMessageID = function (payload, request) {
  return '' + (payload.message.target_id || '');

Your Inbound Settings form should look like this:

17) Click Save.

We are now ready to configure the Fields for our CreateIncident Message.

Last updated